
Stable, secure & easily customisable business software

Stable, secure & easily customisable business software

Enterprise Software

The Xelleron framework provides a set of tools which can be customised to automate many of the typical business processes such as approval, stakeholder interaction, claims, scheduling, notification, booking, data entry, reporting and many more.

We understand every business has their own set of needs and requirements, which is why we work closely with our clients to understand their existing software infrastructure, its limitations and how we can build better solutions catered to their business. Learn more about our working process below.

Data Migration

Software solutions typically have a finite lifespan and can become increasingly difficult to maintain and enhance as they age. Our team is very experienced in helping customers replace existing solutions to better meet your business needs.

Once built, the Xelleron Framework provides tools such as a Form Builder, Workflow Editor and Entity builder to help you better maintain your new solution and continuously improve your business processes.

Enterprise Software

The Xelleron framework provides a set of tools which can be customised to automate many of the typical business processes such as approval, stakeholder interaction, claims, scheduling, notification, booking, data entry, reporting and many more.

We understand every business has their own set of needs and requirements, which is why we work closely with our clients to understand their existing software infrastructure, its limitations and how we can build better solutions catered to their business. Learn more about our working process below.

Data Migration

Software solutions typically have a finite lifespan and can become increasingly difficult to maintain and enhance as they age. Our team is very experienced in helping customers replace existing solutions to better meet your business needs.

Once built, the Xelleron Framework provides tools such as a Form Builder, Workflow Editor and Entity builder to help you better maintain your new solution and continuously improve your business processes.

Process Workflows

Often it may not be feasible to automate or modify a business process your business depends on because your existing systems are off-the-shelf or older legacy systems where the vendor may not be willing or able to modify the system to suit your particular needs.

The Xelleron Framework has the capability to interoperate with other systems through the use of api’s and database adaptors and can be used to implement workflows which can work harmoniously within many existing environments. The in-built ability to allow secure login via existing Microsoft, Google or Facebook accounts can help to make this a much more seamless yet still secure process.

UX & UI Package

We believe that working with a design team to develop your product creates a better experience for your users. We partner with design studios across Australia to offer consultation and design services before development begins.

Process Workflows

Often it may not be feasible to automate or modify a business process your business depends on because your existing systems are off-the-shelf or older legacy systems where the vendor may not be willing or able to modify the system to suit your particular needs.

The Xelleron Framework has the capability to interoperate with other systems through the use of api’s and database adaptors and can be used to implement workflows which can work harmoniously within many existing environments. The in-built ability to allow secure login via existing Microsoft, Google or Facebook accounts can help to make this a much more seamless yet still secure process.

UX & UI Package

We believe that working with a design team to develop your product creates a better experience for your users. We partner with design studios across Australia to offer consultation and design services before development begins.

What to expect next?

Our projects typically have at least two phases: Initial Scoping Activities followed by Solution Development.

It is common that an initial release of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) be made as quickly as possible so that you can start to obtain value from the solution.

Example Activities:

  1. Set up a Trello board with a series of cards where each card contains 1 or more requirements/features you would like in your solution.
  2. Setup a communications channel with discord or a mechanism on your choice (e.g. MS Teams/Slack) so that our teams can communicate with each other.
  3. Use the Trello board to develop some initial estimates and an initial execution plan


Initial estimates and an initial execution (Sprint) plan at least up to the MVP release. After phase 1, you should have a better documented understanding of your requirements.

Once the initial plan is created, we will develop the solution using an agile methodology working closely with your team to deliver a solution to suit your priorities and budget. Using this methodology your solution will be build using a series of sprints aimed at completing Trello cards until you are happy that the solution is ready.

At the beginning of a sprint we will work with you to select cards for development in that sprint. Each sprint will then aim to implement the cards selected for development. If there is additional time (tasks are done faster) additional cards may be added to the sprint. If there are technical issues with cards in a sprint then this will be discussed with you to work out how best to proceed. At the end of each sprint we will aim to demonstrate to you some of the features implemented in that sprint. We will also aim to put updates on the test server for you and your team to try out as features are implemented.

Sprints (Typically 1-2 weeks in duration)

  • Prioritization & Card Assignment
  • Development
  • Demonstration

This agile methodology is aimed at giving you a high degree of visibility into progress, control over your priorities and spend as well as making the overall build efficient and fit for your purpose. It does require active participation from your team however for it to work effectively.

If your solution is a portal, we typically aim to have a solution with at least a subset of the features ready for you and selected team members to log into early on (typically after the first or second sprint). This is to allow you to try the implemented features and provide feedback as soon as possible.

It is quite common that as the solution is being created and you start to try it out you may want to add extra cards, deprioritise modify or remove some cards etc with the aim of producing a better outcome.

Once you are happy with the progress of the solution, your team will need to do acceptance testing to ensure you are happy with what is contained in your solution and are ok for the solution and to be released to production (go live).

After this initial solution (MVP) release, additional functionality can be added as desired in subsequent sprint – acceptance test – release cycles.

We will produce initial estimates as part of the Phase 1 Scoping activities. In the event we detect that the estimates are likely to change (e.g. unexpected technical issues, additional requirements, client feedback etc) we will notify you promptly and work with you on the best way to proceed.

We try and reuse as much as we can from our existing library and components.

Our trusted service partners

Aut corporis veritatis et porro deleniti aut laboriosam veritatis qui fuga voluptatem sit nemo molestias ut modi quidem aut itaque nesciunt.

An External CFO works with business owners and managers to determine the business strategy and the structure and systems that will support them.

Ascern Advisors provide External CFO / Outsourced CFO services to businesses from startup through to established businesses. Depending on business needs this is on a regular basis (Part-time CFO) or project basis (Interim CFO).

Computer Troubleshooters Indooroopilly support Business clients throughout Brisbane with Business IT Support, Microsoft 365, Computer Sales Hardware, Software, Services. If you need any form of IT support for your business get in contact for a review of your needs.

Aut corporis veritatis et porro deleniti aut laboriosam veritatis qui fuga voluptatem sit nemo molestias ut modi quidem aut itaque nesciunt.

An External CFO works with business owners and managers to determine the business strategy and the structure and systems that will support them.

Ascern Advisors provide External CFO / Outsourced CFO services to businesses from startup through to established businesses. Depending on business needs this is on a regular basis (Part-time CFO) or project basis (Interim CFO).

Computer Troubleshooters Indooroopilly support Business clients throughout Brisbane with Business IT Support, Microsoft 365, Computer Sales Hardware, Software, Services. If you need any form of IT support for your business get in contact for a review of your needs.

We offer website design and Microsoft 365 / SharePoint consulting services. Help your team work more efficiently, automate paper based processes and harness all the Microsoft 365 tools that you are already paying for! You only get one chance to make a good impression.

Does your website promote your businesses in the way you want?

We offer website design and Microsoft 365 / SharePoint consulting services. Help your team work more efficiently, automate paper based processes and harness all the Microsoft 365 tools that you are already paying for! You only get one chance to make a good impression.

Does your website promote your businesses in the way you want?